Mundane News

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Legendary Member
This is good, maybe I should start with these kind of words and move up to the ones they insist on spelling differently to us? ^_^



Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
BiL has spent a few days going to A&E, after falling down the stairs, before they diagnosed all his injuries and admitted him. Seems it isn't just my local hospital that could do with improvement. Still, he's had a good night.

They sent him home lunchtime with a cannula in his arm and now he's back in. One has to wonder what is wrong with these big hospitals that there can be such incompetence.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Bon, je vais me coucher. Bonne nuit les copains. A demain.


Thanks. I am now on day 2. Spent the afternoon in the hammock, the morning in the soft chair trying hard to not watch my OH make a mess of digging through the borders I need digging. I will have to go through all of the soil again at some point before I can plant in the veg plot he has 'dug'. He has kindly chopped the roots up for me and removed the 'big' ones. What he has not done is remove the smaller thin ones that needed removing or any of the stones/rocks. So before I can plant in them I will have to sift through the soil. Ahhhh

And I think I may have done more damage to my ribs that I had hoped I had. They are worse today. Morphine is not touching the pain. Lying down is murder, bending is murder twice over, sitting is murder, and well breathing is also murder. I was up 5 times during the night last night and feel awful. I also can't cough very well which is not good news because I need to keep the lungs clear of crap and my bronchiectasis and severe asthma mean I am more prone to accumulating crap in the lungs and it getting infected... plus the cortisol issues with my adrenal glands.

On the brighter side of things I was given some antibiotics (2weeks supply) by my asthma consultant just before I left the UK, so if I go down with anything tomorrow, I can start AB's immediately. I am getting chesty in both lungs but feel OK other than exceptionally sore. I will probably be seeing my dr on Monday. The knee on the other hand is healing nicely, but with the dressing type I am using, I can't easily shower until it is completely healed. It is on a 10cmx10cm Melolin dressing with a crepe bandage over it and although blood had soaked through the dressing and all layers of the bandage this morning, it is actually healing nicely with no signs of infection. So not looking at it for 2 days seems to have worked. I'll leave this one on for at least that time period assuming it does not get wet tomorrow when I try to work out how to shower and not get a leg wet. I suspect it will involve cling film and a husband!

On other news, we are adopting a rooster to try to deal with our problem chook. She hasn't taken well to the change in her environment (she's a rescue chook) and has had to be confined to quarters in a newly segregated area of the chook house. Today she was allowed out after lunch with all of the others, once they had all lain (she has major issues with other chooks laying eggs and over food as well) and all has been calm, though she has often just sat down in the sun by herself.

So here is the rooster we are adopting tomorrow morning. He is also a rescue and comes from a sanctuary who will have him back if he develops behavioural issues. Hopefully he will enjoy his girls and his freedom and we figured what with the cacophony of other noises night, dawn, day and dusk, a rooster wasn't actually going to make that much difference! Think of those jungle nature programs that give you the sound track at night.... it's like that here all the time.

View attachment 147891

(Sorry not my picture, I should have resized it first).

So from a sun burnt, resting SNSSO confined to the sun room and legs up, trying her hardest to ignore the mess my OH is making of a) the kitchen and b) our evening meal, I bid you good evening and enjoy your day.

I'm hoping that won't be me on Monday. Mind you so far I have avoided hospital here in Australia. Hoping to continue but I am so sore at the moment that I am beginning to wonder what exactly I hurt in my fall on Thursday. Morphine is not touching the rib cage and it's both front and sides on both sides. At least the abdomen is no longer hurting (bruise where waist band was) and the one is healing albeit badly bruised and swollen. Will have to work some turmeric into my diet to help with the swelling since I can't taken anti-inflammatory drugs.

Night all, well that is until around midnight, then 2am, then 3am then 4:30am then 6:30am and that's assuming I have a good night.

If you don't know how basd your injuries are, might it not be the right time for your first hospital visit? Especially as you are so so sore.
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