Mundane News

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:smile: They look in pretty good shape for rescue hens. Where were they rescued from?

Sorry, the black is our hen, the white our pullet coming to sexual maturity in the next week or so. Neither are rescues. The rest of the mob arrive in 2 weeks time which are 3 rescue hens. Only the new 3 will be rescues.
We wanted some eggs as well as more than 2 chooks, but 3 or more laying eggs would be too many eggs so 3 rescue birds whilst now meaning some changes to the set-up in the chook house (like to hay loft can't be used by the flock because of rescue birds not normally being able to fly and the nesting boxes being up there, plus I'll need to rethink the roosting beams, probably just add some lower ones) will give us a large enough flock to deal with any unexpected losses and give us enough eggs at the same time. I'll add a chick later in the season (spring is nearly here now) if we find we are not getting enough eggs, or to deal with the issue of our hen being in here 2nd laying season now. It's not like we don't have enough space here. Their outdoor run is huge, the chook house is massive (probably too big but i think it will help in the summer!) and well we have 5 acres of land not fenced in that leads onto 1000's of hectares of mostly eucalyptus forest and farmland (cattle and sheep) and no roads to speak of...

I only have the outdoor run so as to 'contain' whilst they learn to know us and return to the chook house at night when i want to put them away. And blackie has already escaped. Ironic really given she isn't the better of the two at flying!
I feel left out on the chicken picture front. My 3 new ex-batts

and Benjamin

Can't find a pic of the other 2. One's brown and pecky and the other is grey.
Morning from a slightly misty here, the sun is just shining through some thin ish low cloud.

Do you find that something in life has been holding you back? I certainty discovered that this morning as I stepped out of the back door. A spider had decided that it was a good idea to make a web across the doorway. I stepped out and my head got pulled back.


West Somerset
Morning from a slightly misty here, the sun is just shining through some thin ish low cloud.

Do you find that something in life has been holding you back? I certainty discovered that this morning as I stepped out of the back door. A spider had decided that it was a good idea to make a web across the doorway. I stepped out and my head got pulled back.
My spiders are well behaved and considerate. I think it's because I put the bath mat over the side of the tub so they can always get out. We coexist quite happily.


West Somerset
Cracking day again..few things to do..mtb night ride tonight..
My plans for the day involve walking the dog this morning and then reading in the garden this afternoon. Real life can wait another day, though having eaten the last of not so healthy snacks last night, I shall endeavour to avoid them between now and ... well, I'd like to say Christmas but ... let's see how it goes. End of the month? :laugh:
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