Mundane News

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My Armchair
No i am busy looking at binoculars to buy.
Excuses, get out there woman :whistle:

I am having some brekkie then heading out for a hour, there may be egrets and canals involved.
If I could remember what the photo challenge topic is I might even take a pic or two :unsure:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Excuses, get out there woman :whistle:

I am having some brekkie then heading out for a hour, there may be egrets and canals involved.
If I could remember what the photo challenge topic is I might even take a pic or two :unsure:
I may try to persuade @coffeejo to bring her Ridgeback to the Levels later as we are going twitching again


Legendary Member
good morning from a warm and sunny Coventry, I've been up since six, I've watched the motogp highlights on catch up, yoga later on this morning and perhaps a bike ride this afternoon.
Didn't Valentino do well............................................................mind you I wonder how much he'd 'bunged' Ianoni for T-boning Jorge. :bravo:

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Didn't Frank Sinatra sing about Egrets, he had a few.
He also had a great many Lionel O gauge trains.
I popped into town to return my library books, whilst I was in town I thought I would walk up to the music shop and have a look round. When I got there, the shutters were up and a sign said "we are closed Monday and Tuesday Sorry for any inconvenience".
I returned to the centre of town to pick up some milk for my wife, as I had thrown out the carton I couldn't remember what it was called but I knew where I bought the last one. When I got there the shelves were full of all different makes and varieties all looking virtually the same. I gave up and went home.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
It's getting rather warm and humid here.

I'm off to spend money on binoculars in a camera shop recommended by @coffeejo. This could prove expensive but worth it as we are off to Westhay this afternoon with Snipe. I am bird watching ( i am having to take a book to tell me what i am watching ) and Jo and Snipe are photographing. I am taking my bike so i can get around all the hides.


Off to the badlands of Finchley Central today, someone's got to do it .... wish me luck!
Good luck.

Morning, it is hazy again today, as is my head I seem to have left it in bed.
Hope you have found a clear head now.

Been awake since 5ish and up (though not dressed) since half past. Too warm to stay in bed, though it's not sunny, and I cba to switch over the summer bedding. Plenty of coffee on the go, and in squirrel-related news, I've just sent the dog out to chase away the tree rat before my landlord sees it and shoots (at) it. Dog is very happy about this task.

Definitely worth getting out some cooler bedding.

Isn't it egrets and canals?

One day, I expect that will be the challenge.
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