Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Back to the rodent in the deli; how do I broach it in front of a load of hungry punters queueing up for breakfast comestibles in the morning? And how do I avoid being accused of slander?
I would avoid the big public confrontation but I would ask to see the owner/manager urgently. Get them to agree to letting you know what they've done about it and sharpish - you have environmental health guys to do the work without danger of you having to answer to any accusations and that's your fall back. But I'd also have a discreet word with your work colleagues.

Others of course would simply get onto the council's environmental health people but that might leave you to ''Why didn't you say?'' recriminations from your colleagues unless you're completely quiet about it.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Yes, everyone at work and the deli too.

Meanwhile, I'm vexed by a different rodent, squirrels. I've got bird feeders hanging in my mum's garden. One of them is attached by cable ties to a washing line but a squirrel gets frustrated walking upside down the length of the line and then gnawing at those bits it can reach of the outside of the nuts. It's taken to not just eating through the cable ties to get it on the ground where it can really get to work with the whole nuts but it's also hiding the cable ties. I wanted to find one so I could work out how it was nibbling through but they're nowhere to be found. Meanwhile I'm going to have to use a wire fixing.
Hang the feeder from a different line, a steel wire would do nicely, Then grease the wire.


Legendary Member
Off to the badlands of Finchley Central today, someone's got to do it .... wish me luck!


West Somerset
Been awake since 5ish and up (though not dressed) since half past. Too warm to stay in bed, though it's not sunny, and I cba to switch over the summer bedding. Plenty of coffee on the go, and in squirrel-related news, I've just sent the dog out to chase away the tree rat before my landlord sees it and shoots (at) it. Dog is very happy about this task.
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