We've often thought about emigrating to Australia. Mrs R has strong work connections with Brisbane and Melbourne. We have many friends living there. The only thing that keeps us here is elderly relatives - if it weren't for them, I suspect we'd move in a jiff. I suspect academia is slightly less sexist than the police. I just love the outdoor life and the sports.
If my grandfather had not died back in August last year, we would not have been able to come out here easily either. But since he has died, my listened are spending more time abroad, have purchased a retirement home in tenerife for winter use and don't need the support that they did previously because my step father has come to terms with his disability (massively badly failed hip op on the NHS sadly leaving him much worse off after 3 ops than he was before the first) and also they have had to learn to manage without my help since my back went.
My sister has settled down, it's getting married in August. Sadly it means I can't attend (neither my back nor our finances can manage another trip so soon). The older of my 2 brothers now has a permanent job, though it's finally separating from his wife (this is actually for the best) and the younger one will be finishing his 2nd year at uni and not returning home this summer but finding a job down there instead. He always works but the normal place have said no to this summer. He will be better off elsewhere if he can find something which he should be able to do in a tourist area given his old 'trade'.
That just leaves my step brother who I acquired when my mum remarried nearly 7 years ago. He's in a permanent but low paid ' profession ' which is one of those passions rather than finance but has a partner (low paid part time) and 2 daughters. They are ok and manage. They also live locally to our parents and whilst don't help out much are around for emergencies.
My OH's family are much more stable and close knit than mine. Better health generally in parents but suspect it anything happened it would be fatal rather than a near miss, but even my husband's youngest brother is now settling down and seems to have found someone.
All of that is the only reason we have been able to come out here without worrying about things too much. Plus families almost expect it from us and when we said that an opportunity had arisen to go out to Australia even before we had finished what we were saying everyone said the same thing - go. You would think they were trying to get rid of us!
The rain is almost deafening at the moment. What do you call rain coming down in stair rods when we don't have stair rods any more?