MIL has just been carted off to hospital. She was fine yesterday when I was round, but has had increasingly bad pain in her paralysed leg (from stroke) and isn't mobile, so for safety, she has been wheeled. in. Bloody good job I got the web cam sorted out, as it wasn't the router. Only just got it back installed yesterday after a week off line - the camera stopped connecting (camera fault). All replaced under warranty, but I've been able to check recordings and she was fine until this morning and has gone down hill since late morning. Sister in law was round after the carers called the docs and herself.
Handy bits of kit as you can see what's going on, as my MIL says very little now, just deliberately awkward - nods, shakes head, points and shouts words. She can hold a conversation but won't.
At least they will be able to check her out. Effects of very badly controlled type 2 and heart failure we reccon. She tells everyone she isn't diabetic, nor has had heart attacks. She can't get away with the strokes, but as soon as she is on an ECG, they say, yes you have....
It doesn't help that she has no pain tolerance and is always crying. It's hard for everyone to get through to her.