I have given in... shark tails are not going to happen for the show... I shall have continue to be "sold out" but you can order for next week....
I have a very very very large gin in my hand...
I gave in when my mother came to sit and talk at me for an hour.. I then lost the will to live... she did however, get the hint and bugger orf when I started to tidy around her...
I think I am done.
All my show stuff is in a big pile in the garage ready to be put in the car Saturday night... I can't pack before then as we are apparently going to the fun fair tomorrow afternoon (They don't sell gin there or alcohol

) I am hoping that I can talk the sister in law into a toddle into the village Saturday night to visit a couple of the pubs....
Martha (my mannequin) is in the garage - Maude is being left behind I just need to dress her in a 1/2 finished poncho and hang my big pattern pieces on her and shove her back in the corner, then it is just a quick hoover in the morning and my lounge/workroom is very presentable... hopefully no one cares I have a fleece mountain in my bedroom!
I have not completed anything for my niece I am a bad Aunty... however, I will tell her she can choose what colours she likes and I shall make up and personalise her bits before they leave! If nothing else it will buy me some alone anti-social time