Mundane News (Part 1)

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
They listen to what your kettle is telling them! How else do you think they know?

If they're appliances talked back to them, they would think it was the devils work.


Midlands UK
Have some tea then.

I have had 2 mugs of Yorkshire tea and a plate of pasta with carbonara sauce :hungry:


Re member eR
Well, it's like this, (well done on being the first to ask btw which technically you haven't) I took off the lounge door about ooooh 3 months ago, possibly 4 months, not sure to be honest but anyway now the colder weather is here Mrs Colly is getting teensy bit miffed about the gale blowing through. With that in mind I decided it's time to refit the door, 'cept it looks old and tired really could do with replacing with something more ???? what's the word??...........ah yes. NEW. So I have been trying to pin down a suitable door and as is the way with these things if I do one door...................I'll have to do the rest. Now, being in an old house the doors are on the large side and also none of them seems to be 'standard' but I have at last found a...............................drone drone drone drone..................

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I know all about living in old houses. I lived in one. Ermm. Why did you take the door off its hinges in the first place?
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