'Oh my God, its horrific!! @
Pat "5mph" would be ****ing herself with laughter if she could see me right now..... Actually, no, she'd probably be looking on with an equal amount of horror as myself!'
.... Were my words about half an hour ago as I tried a new purchase that was delivered earlier.
I had bought a couple of cycling jackets, and very nice and smart they looked too.... Except that as part of the deal (
Ebay) they also came with matching bib tights. They were really cheap (which probably explains a lot).
Now, as you know, I don't wear these things as a general rule, but I thought I might be able to wear them underneath something else for warmth, etc, nobody would have to know my dirty little secret.
Not a bit of it! On testing them purely out of curiosity I managed to squeeze into them, squeeze because I have (luckily) realised they are just a little bit too small for me, so they really are skintight (kinky kinky @Fnaar!). This is ok, except that the foam inserts stick out like a nappy on a premature baby, It was quite a traumatic sight to behold, and that was just to me, I think I'll be having hideously awful flashbacks for the foreseeable future now! What makes it worse is that the inserts don't appear to come out.
If I can't get them changed, then, watch this space! (well, the Classified section actually). One is Movistar, the other Euskatel Euskadei.