Mundane News (Part 1)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Well you could have a moan, as's some topics: the poor quality of Classic's weather forecasting, the boring avatar used by Mad Doug, the meanness of Potsy when it comes to sharing Jaffa cakes, how quickly Jo's cakes get eaten, how bad for the waist Puddles cakes are, how Archie's new build outside toilets (or whatever he designs) keep falling down, how TVC's work is a big wind-up.

True but i might get banned as they will think i live somewhere else and have hijacked their residents meeting.

Oh and they don't have biscuits either which is annoying considering most of them are either retired or run the global banking system ( into the ground :laugh: ) and they all drink some disgusting expensive coffee and think im a hippy for drinking peppermint tea.

I could go on ...................
I found 5 pence while emptying the vacuum cleaner.

Had I missed it, would I have seen it in the compost a year later?

Had I missed it there too, would an archaeologist in two millenia have come to a conclusion about vacuum cleaners, small coins and gardening habits in the UK in the early 21st Century?

I don't know, but money is money and I'm keeping it.


Über Member
New Forest
I've just collected my parcel of potassium nitrate. Delayed gratification is in order before I see flames.
Can we come and watch ??


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Positive mundane news: I put a load in the washing machine before I went out for a hilly walk in the sunshine.
Negative mundane news: The wash aborted and the machine displays error code E3. I just looked it up - 'motor fault'. Oh, super! :cursing:

So now I have 3 things to do:
  1. Work out how to open the door to get the washing out.
  2. Take the washing to a friend's house to do it in her machine.
  3. Find the paperwork and see if the machine is still under warranty. I think it is 2.5 years old so it might be, or it might not be.

London Female

Über Member
True but i might get banned as they will think i live somewhere else and have hijacked their residents meeting.

Oh and they don't have biscuits either which is annoying considering most of them are either retired or run the global banking system ( into the ground :laugh: ) and they all drink some disgusting expensive coffee and think im a hippy for drinking peppermint tea.

I could go on ...................

I have recently become a fan of Twinings camomile and spearmint, think I may go and put the kettle on.
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