Mundane News (Part 1)

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Legendary Member
If mines bad I sleep on my side with a plump pillow between my knees as this apparently aligns your hips. Works for me .
I do that too since I damaged my spine way back in 1989


Leg End Member
Double and triple posts, yes. But not any doing of mine. SHAUN's fault :biggrin:. The smileys aren't accessible once you've moved down the page (or not easily, at least) and they are now on 3 lines, and I can't find what I'm looking for, and then there are loads of 'you've won.....' type ads suddenly appearing bottom right. :cry:
I think I shall give up and go to bed.
Too much banging and stuff going on in here anyway :rolleyes:
You seem to have a way with words...


Leg End Member
At 10pm. We did a 60.3 (please note, 60.3 ^_^) mile ride, weren't back until pretty late, and while dinner was in the oven, we popped to the local, and altogether it was a long ol' day.
Yesterday at 20:36 ? You certain on the time?
Yesterday at 20:36 ? You certain on the time?

:Positive thank you.

If you would like a resume:
We got home from our ride at around 5.30. Quick shower and dinner in oven, and off to pub - now I didn't bother to clock the exact time of arrival (sorry ^_^) but we got back home at 8.30. While OH was kindly sorting out dinner, I was online by 8.36.
Then we ate dinner (again, sorry, didn't check the exact start and finish times).
Then back on line for a bit just before beddibyes.
Now, while I was online, he was building the flat pack.

Is that satisfactory? :rolleyes:
If I have missed a bit, please feel to point it out, and I will investigate and comment further for you :biggrin::laugh:


Leg End Member
:Positive thank you.

If you would like a resume:
We got home from our ride at around 5.30. Quick shower and dinner in oven, and off to pub - now I didn't bother to clock the exact time of arrival (sorry ^_^) but we got back home at 8.30. While OH was kindly sorting out dinner, I was online by 8.36.
Then we ate dinner (again, sorry, didn't check the exact start and finish times).
Then back on line for a bit just before beddibyes.
Now, while I was online, he was building the flat pack.

Is that satisfactory? :rolleyes:
If I have missed a bit, please feel to point it out, and I will investigate and comment further for you :biggrin::laugh:
Thanks. I'll check and let you know!!


World class procrastinator
Double and triple posts, yes. But not any doing of mine. SHAUN's fault :biggrin:. The smileys aren't accessible once you've moved down the page (or not easily, at least) and they are now on 3 lines, and I can't find what I'm looking for, and then there are loads of 'you've won.....' type ads suddenly appearing bottom right. :cry:
I think I shall give up and go to bed.
Too much banging and stuff going on in here anyway :rolleyes:
Here too, in sunny Wymondham.
I have done a virus check as I thought it was just me. No viruses.


World class procrastinator
I've just been to the doctors he's put me on Naproxen and Tramadol :sad:
I can't have naproxen due to the side effects on bods with one kidney (i.e. large chance of death apparently) but Tramadol is epic, I have found. They took that away from me in hospital as after taking it, all the nurses had vapour trails in pretty colours and I could make rainbows by waving my hands about. They changed the meds to co-codomol. The meanies.
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