Mundane News (Part 1)

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Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
What were you teaching them...


I failed to get them to apply it in the real world. :sad:

In my new role I'll have 25% of my time spent on a one to one basis with under-achieving potential NEETs who could be future occupiers of prison cells. The rest of the time will be with kids who need to master core science skills to get them through their controlled assessments (practical exams).

In many instance it will be plan one session deliver it six times in the week.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace

I failed to get them to apply it in the real world. :sad:

In my new role I'll have 25% of my time spent on a one to one basis with under-achieving potential NEETs who could be future occupiers of prison cells. The rest of the time will be with kids who need to master core science skills to get them through their controlled assessments (practical exams).

In many instance it will be plan one session deliver it six times in the week.
I get wound up by the failure of parents and it could be argued that some people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.... having children is biologically simple; being a parent is something completely different...


Legendary Member
I've just been to the doctors he's put me on Naproxen and Tramadol :sad:
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