Mundane News (Part 1)

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My pet bluebottle went missing today. I've had posters made up and I'm offering a reward. I would be heart broken if I don't get him back.


Midlands UK
Not a brilliant start to my day, 1 of our colleagues lost his father-in-law last week and has been talking about that and his understandably upset wife, another had to have his young dog put down on Friday, a contact of mine lost his dad on Sunday. A rather sombre start to my day.


Legendary Member
NIghts are fair drawing in.

Deleted member 1258

One of the cats has just jumped out of the bedroom window. I was told she did this the other night but didn't entirely believe it. However, sitting downstairs I have just seen a cat hurtle past the window :eek:. She is perfectly fine, but if she encourages the manic young one with no common sense to do likewise, there will probably be broken limbs :sad:. If the lazy fat one should also do likewise, this would result in a large 'SPLAT' :biggrin:

Many years ago my landlords cat would climb up a gate then run ten or fifteen feet across a vertical wall to get onto the garage roof, when he first told me about this I didn't believe him, then I saw the cat do it. :eek:
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