Mundane News (Part 1)

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Leg End Member
Kayak still in one piece. As is the paddle (a good thing, as it is a one-piece paddle).
I have discovered that staying upright in the kayak is no problem (on the water, yes:tongue:). However, I have also discovered that going in a straight line is impossible. But I am very very good at going in circles. Absolutely brilliant at it in fact.
Compensate for the stronger arm, sending you round in circles by moving the paddle more to the side to which you are turning. Doesn't need to be much, width of your hand, over your current hand posistion.
Stern rudder also good for getting straightened out.


Leg End Member
No one, not one person, has responded to my post in Classic and Vintage Bikes thread. Nothing, Not a sausage, bugger all.
Thats not true, you have!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I just got a cold call from India. I just put the phone down and let her wibble away until she rang off.
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