Mundane News (Part 1)

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Leg End Member
Got another cuppa. Down to one an hour now.


Leg End Member
And the kayak, still in one piece. Paddle in two pieces?
You're aware I take it that unless you did come back, you'd not have been able to set out Tuesday to do the cycling. Which you returned from to allow you to have another go at staying upright in the kayak today.

You are going on the water whilst you're in it I take it?


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I had to have come back from Sunday's kayaking in order to be able to do Tuesday's cycling. In turn I had to return from Tuesday's cycling in order to be able to do tonight's kayaking. As I am back from tonight's kayaking, I should be able to cycle tomorrow (if I am not too :tired:). There you go, all cleared up :biggrin:

Too much detail to be mundane. :stop:
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