Mundane News (Part 1)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Thank you. Not sure whether to catch up with all the news now or save it for a less exciting time. I can't see any floor in my bedroom due to stuff. Need to move stuff. CBA tho. :sad:

Have a sleep then sit down with a large cuppa and catch up, we have had birthdays, new bikes and the London/Surrey 100 and records have been broken. Oh and there's loads of cake too.:rolleyes:
Hang about... Your profile says you are a man...
I'm also single, ahh this cuppa is good;)


Über Member
Have a sleep then sit down with a large cuppa and catch up, we have had birthdays, new bikes and the London/Surrey 100 and records have been broken. Oh and there's loads of cake too.:rolleyes:

None of that is mundane! I feel like the only person on this forum who doesn't like cake or cake like things. :sad:


Still trying to look cool and not the fool HA
N Devon
I've only had five hours sleep. God help anyone who gets on my wick today.

Ditto :tired::evil::ninja:


Still trying to look cool and not the fool HA
N Devon
Best bit is, I am on a night shift. I have stuff to do today, which is most likely not going to involve me being able to have a sleep this afternoon.. GRRRRRRRRRR.......

You have my greatest sympathy! Be sure to share the details with us if some dipstick pokes you with a stick today. You may need to start your own thread though if it's anything more than mundane ^_^


World class procrastinator
Bit early for sloes. Best picked after the first frost in fact, to start breaking the sugar down,
I did not know that. OH is the sloe scrumping expert.

I have now run out of cherries ^_^ and I still have pinkish streaks in my hair from when I forgot about the cherry juice on my hands and pushed my fringe back.
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