Mundane News (Part 1)

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I'm in Beckton :-(


Leg End Member
I have heard and seen it used a lot in Manchester, I think it is more of a thing to do with the "Urban" sub culture, rather than being linked to any particular ethnic or regional group.
Just replying to what was said. But the latter part seems to imply what you're saying.

Its a London thing we have but its not insulting i promise. :rolleyes: Im just keeping up with the yoot of today.


Do more.
Just replying to what was said. But the latter part seems to imply what you're saying.

I see it all over my Facebook, but cannot seem to bring myself to use it. Even in a status update or similar...

In other news, I have just hung out my washing, and it promptly rained.

And I now have to go into work and resend an email!


Leg End Member
Mortar this than meets the eye then?
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