Alan Millyard modified 6 cylinder Z1000
Was wondering that until I saw the side panel badges which say 900. Looks an interesting build.
I've met Alan Millyard, a friend of mine is friendly with him. He used to repair nuclear resdrors for a living, so making V8 Z1s, 5 cylinder KH400s, or Dodge Viper engined bikes are all bread and butter stuff to him. Apparently he builds them all un a single garage with only modest equipment.
On a scale of 1-10 how effective do we think this will be I'm going for -5
When I used to be on a motorcycle forum, there was a guy who designed one of these and called in RainPal. He got a lot of stick from the less than sympathetic audience, but continued to "sell" the product anyway. Which turns out he was actually taking people's money when the product wasn't even made, and promising them timelines for delivery that were ever increasing.
I'd have to try one before making comment, but usually I'd have to have my visor cracked open a bit to avoid my glasses steaming up, so maybe it would be a bit cumbersome
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Bought this for my partner's son on Saturday. CPI Bravo 50. Hardly any 50's were coming up in the area in his price range so it was slim pickings, but this one looked ok and only done 7000 miles. I rode it back from Kingskerswell to Plymouth having to go on back roads to avoid the A38. Some of the hills were very steep and at the start I had to scoot myself along becasue it would barely propel me up the hill (I am 10.5 stone).
It seemed to do better the longer I rode it, and I'm guessing it had stale fuel in it as the previous owner's son hadn't ridden it for 9 months.
So when I get time, probably tomorrow night, I'll drain the old fuel and give it an oil change. Then I plan to book it into my local bike garage for them to give it a thorough check; I've owned and serviced many motorbikes in the past but never had a scooter so I don't really know what I'm doing unless it's brakes.
I did thoroughly enjoy the ride back; having only been used to 600's for years, it was a totally different experience. Sort of like a long cycle ride but with a large comfy seat and no pedalling. It rides really well though, took a good number of bumps and potholes with no worries
ok, so I had another look under the scooter and I have some questions (as I've never owned a 2 stroke or a scooter):
1) I tried to stick a tube down the filler cap to extract the stale fuel, but it won't let me. What's the easiest way to drain the fuel please?
2) There is a dipstick under the RHS of the scooter, which I checked and there was nothing on the level. Is this for the engine oil or is there another reservoir for gearbox? I want to drain it and refill but want to make sure I'm putting engine oil in the right place. There is no obvious oil pan, or at least it might be so small that it doesn't look like the pan on bigger bikes.
3) I can't find a workshop manual anywhere - I know Haynes do a generic one for chinese scooters (this one is Taiwanese I think) - is ths worth getting or should I endeavour to find one for a CPI Bravo?
Thank you
CMPO (Chinese Motorcycle Parts Online, I think) are worth a try for parts and may have a manual, if not eBay should though it may be a generic one. I'd expect the same engine will be in other scooters, too.
Dipstick is for gearbox oil, the 2T reservoir is probably under the seat and the fill up point should be near to the petrol tank one.
For fuel draining then the 'proper' way would be to remove the tank, flush it out and then get the carb removed and cleaned. However, to just get the fuel (or most of it) out I used one of those manual squidgy blub things for cleaning out fish tanks, like this but you don't need the right hand side clear bit with the blue cap...
It's surprising how well they work!
Daft question I know, but are you sure it's a 2 stroke? Most these days are 4 strokes
I know,that's why I'm confused. The fuel is definitely 2 stroke as i can smell it. But the exhaust doesn't fold back on itself like other 2 strokes I've seen. Also possible it's a 4t that's been filled with premix. The CPI bravo 50 was also available in 2t and 4t variety so that's not much help either! And i can't find out. I think I'll just take it to the garage and get them to do a full service, rather than me messing something up