Mornington Crescent

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Given all the recent twists would Lothbury be allowed at this stage of the game? If not, this might be an apt, but risky time to go for Acton again.

Which Acton Cubist?? you have to complete your answer of I'll have no option but to put you in Nidd (didn't anyone else spot this at the time?).

A Legginton-Smythe Breach manoeuvre took in Limehouse earlier this morning. You are in Nid.

The afore-mentionned manouevre being constructed by the member under the nomenclature of GuitarPete at about 0935. (oh yes, that's you)

Good work Speich, I spotted it immediately when I was reading through today's proceedings a few minutes ago. come to think of it, there are some other repeats today, but this one stuck out the most (steady on there Speich!)

Oh well, London Bridge, I think.
Am I too tardy to interject that London Bridge is a disused tube station from the Perspective of the Northern Line?
Which line were you using to approach London Bridge, Cardiac?

I thought that we were NEVER to mention London Bridge EVER again, regardless of line, after the rather unfortunate international incident involving the young Russian lady and the Olympic standard Ping Pong balls??

Where is the Doug Biker for adjudicational advisement?

I'm back now, don't worry, and I'll have to counter Kenton (Archer) with Royal Victoria


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Surely the Baden-Powell inclination precludes Royal Victoria - it was a noble attempt MDB but Queensway gets you through the impasse.


Vice Admiral
Good work Speich, I spotted it immediately when I was reading through today's proceedings a few minutes ago. come to think of it, there are some other repeats today, but this one stuck out the most (steady on there Speich!)

I thought that we were NEVER to mention London Bridge EVER again, regardless of line, after the rather unfortunate international incident involving the young Russian lady and the Olympic standard Ping Pong balls??

I'm back now, don't worry, and I'll have to counter Kenton (Archer) with Royal Victoria

Such inspiring words. It is a pleasure to be under such a Master with your esteemed tutilage, and to receive such encouragement.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Surely the Baden-Powell inclination precludes Royal Victoria - it was a noble attempt MDB but Queensway gets you through the impasse.

Bugger (as Baden Powell would do say apparently), although, wasn't there something about Royal victoria being allowed on compassionate grounds after it tragically derailed just outside Wapping in about 1986??

Such inspiring words. It is a pleasure to be under such a Master with your esteemed tutilage, and to receive such encouragement.

Why thankyou, I don't pretend to know everything, but thankyou anyway!

I'll stay in Nid anyway out of manners, so it is Camden Town still.


Just about surviving
Keeping on with standard rules Upminster Bridge will open up a further diagonal.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Oh go on then, Acton Town, but that closes down the options for the next bid/proposal.
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