Well-Known Member
My "ridiculously contrived question" is one of the main reasons why most bike share schemes don't have a helmet share scheme attached to them and the ones that do have a damage inspection and sterilisation regime for all returned helmets. But you live in your fantasy world where the parents and kid are well informed on such issues. The real question though is why you are so keen for the kid to have a helmet on its head without regard to whether it is going to cause them health problems, whether it actually fits or whether its integrity has been compromised by accidents or misuse.
As I said, you had better ask Accy about your view of his health.
Why are you so keen that a kid doesn't have a helmet on his head? Despite all your conjecture you have no idea if the gift was not a good fit etc. etc. Maybe you should ask Accy? Maybe the helmet has already saved the kids life?