I think you'll find that the main point that NotthatJasonKenny was making was aimed at Cunobelin's track record of trying to squash any discussion which does not fit in with his own view of the world,
Any way back on track.....
My own view of the world is simple, and if poor advice needs to be corrected and needs quashing then so be it.
In this case the perfectly reasonable suggestion was made that a second hand helmet was unwise and may have cracks, wear and tear, that it fits and is suitable for use. This suggestion is verified by a number of sources including the avidly pro helmet BHSI and RoSPA
Then a troll :troll: emerged from under a bridge claiming that this was unacceptable, discourteous and then threw their oys out of the pram with a series of insults, obscenities, claims that such advice was a disservice to cyclists and yet repeatedly refused to clarify why they think that the checks are unreasonable when in fact essential for ANY helmet.
Such rank stupidity and misinformation is dangerous and certainly needs to be quashed
If you have a problem with my world view that if you want to wear a helmet then it should fit, be suitable for use and in a good state of repair then please feel free to continue disputing the advice........