Well, kinda, and I did post "Helmets may help in specific circumstances, that is indisputable" upthread.
The OP, though, was to explain a disbelief in the article posted in the Metro that referenced a study which suggests helmets are useless in bike accidents with the assertion that "I just cant believe it". That strikes me as exactly the sort of closed-minded "arguing all the other possibilities" which you "don't understand why some don't just accept this".
The unbelievers on this thread are not myself, BenB, gaz, Cunobelin etc. The unbelievers are those who, for instance, don't understand the risks are as great when walking as when cycling so would
never suggest helmets for pedestrians.
I don't much care whether someone believes the statistics or not, I will take research over emotion or preconception (and I'll wear a helmet where I like

Yes, helmets do save from some injuries, there, I've said it twice in one post. Now, can you say that you believe that helmets may worsen injuries? Or, can you say that you believe that helmets may actually cause injuries where there may have otherwise been none?
This is all that I am saying. Helmets may protect in some circumstances, they may make things worse in others. Overall, all the research says that it's a wash and the two factors balance out.