I am not leaving. But Tiberius Baltar has raised some very, very good questions which seriously need an answer. Make that good answers. The same has those 182 arrests. But most important of all: Mother Nature has raised a very important question about the use of cars and all other gas guzzling devices. We can debate until we get orange, green and blue in our faces. But we need to do something now. I have, as you are fed up to hear about, written and released an online book (please note; no woodpecker was displaced in this process) set to year 2035('ish). I don't think that year will be a good year for us all due to things happens now. Those of us making it to 2035, may have good reasons to envy those who for different reasons passed away in 2012. Sorry to be so frank and brutal on a Sunday afternoon, but I see plenty of evidence to back up this view.
Hence; I want the likes of CM to succeed and to become a big movement. This is about environment and our planet. This is about sustainable transport in cities. The only sustainable personal transports in cities and towns is the bike. We need bike lanes and we need respect for us bike riders. It is not about being arrested and bashing some police officers for the hell of it or because of some loony political ideas.
There is serious questions to be answered. See Tiberius Baltar's questions, quoted by me above.