well, when you've told us what you've done 'to help', and should it come close, as in close to one thousandth of what CM has done, I might be just one tiny bit impressed. Take your time. Just list your achievements........
Achievements in what? Life? Love? Or some sort of botched ideal about everyone living in harmony and getting on peacefully?
I don't have to list anything because I wasn't the one coming onto what is actually a very decent forum and making grand statements about reclaiming the streets. Do you guys really think that its just cyclists who get a hard time in rush hour traffic? What about all the people on the bus who are being held up by congestion? Should they happily sit back and let you cycle on through the traffic ignoring red lights and using any lane you like while they bcome late for work? Should the cabbie or the delivery man or the wagon driver bow down to you and your friends because you feel you have some sort of divine right to get to where your going before everyone else?
We have all as cyclists encountered dangerous and inconsiderate drivers but we have all encountered these same idiots as pedestrians, bus passengers and drivers. An idiot is an idiot whether he is on foot, on two wheels or driving an articulated lorry.
Critical Mass can't even get thier story staight on here! Some of you say it was a ride out with friends that just happened to go into the Olympic lanes, some of your "members" say it wasn't a protest and some of you say it was deliberately planned to cause a nuisance so which is it?
Up until this point which is over 100 posts we still don't have a clear indication of what it was you people were trying to achieve. So why don't you tell us what it is you are trying to achieve and then maybe you will get some agreement from us.
Everything I have seen and read over the last few days just make your "movement" look like a joke. I was wondering why I had never heard of Critical Mass up here in Liverpool and I honestly think that its because we have a bit more sense than to turn up in a mob in order to bring the city to a standstill.
You will never achieve your illusive goals by pissing off ordinary members of the public and antagonising the police.
Watch the full video of your so called "poor disabled man" and you will see him pin the copper down before denying that he even touched him! Critical Mass have done themseleves no favours with this one and I feel rather than attracting potential followers they have alienated a lot of cyclists.
By the way five years in the Parachute Regiment was quite an achievement but thats just one of the things I did I don't tend to brag about in order to make myself or my posts hold some weight.