Lowest gear too hard!

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My Armchair
I think some people don't realise this is the beginners forum and automatically assume everybody else is as fit as they are, not all of us can make it up the hills without low enough gearing.
34-25 is not particularly low imo, is this what the op has?


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I run an 11-28 on my compact, plenty of get out gears if i need them needed them .That said i have not been on a long ride for ages so come new year i will be gasping as much as anyone.
When i got my boardman it came with a long cage rear mech that can run up to a 32 on the back.
34x32 will get you up a cliff face.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
lately ?
On club runs i have not been using the "granny " ring unless i had to as i could keep reasonable cadence in the big ring if i did not cross chain below a 50 x 21 mainly as the compact has too bigger drop to a 34 and i end up spinning away and getting passed so maybe a 36 is needed at the front.
Err to answer i was 147-150 llbs pre x mas but i have lost a load of weight recently i am only 5 foot 7 "though.
With the apex wifli groupset and the 34x 32 i always felt undergeared and nevere really used half the cassette .
Currently running a 12-25 with a compact chainset on a 11+ kg bike that most the week i also have 2 panniers strapped to the back and this is what i use for training as there are a couple of hills both way that i use for training .I also found as T.M.H.N.E.T said that doing a 25 mile rolling circuit at tt/ as fast as i can pace also helped with my overall cycling.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I used to be terrible at hills, always used to be dropped untill one of my club leaders said i need to do sprints for signs and work on powering up hills .


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
So your 10 stone. I could climb hills if i was that weight. But alas i am not.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Also depends where the guy rides, some peoples ideas of big hills are different to others.

If i was the op I would fit a bigger rear cassette (ask in your lbs if a 27 or 28 tooth cassette will fit,) keep the old one by the time the new bigger one is worn out you may be fit enough to revert to the original one.

People are different some like grinding hard gears others (like me) prefer to look after their knees and spin the pedals faster and easier.


Active Member
My hybrid had a 28/34 bottom gear, so 34/25 on my road bike was a bit of a shock. Now that I have ridden a lot more, I don't find myself wishing for a much lower gear, but West Lancs is famously flat. I think it gets easier with practice miles under your belt.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
As already posted get fitter and change those rings and cassette until you are happy.

Also and at the risk of repetition this is a beginners forum and climbing hills is not easy - not everyone has legs like tree trunks and thank christ for that; last week I followed a cyclist going up a long long steep hill local to me in my car. I had a little over 15mph on the speedo.

Although he was seriously quick he was utterly emaciated imo with ridiculous out of proportion legs - whilst I was impressed with his speed I would not want his body shape.
As already posted get fitter and change those rings and cassette until you are happy.

Also and at the risk of repetition this is a beginners forum and climbing hills is not easy - not everyone has legs like tree trunks and thank christ for that; last week I followed a cyclist going up a long long steep hill local to me in my car. I had a little over 15mph on the speedo.

Although he was seriously quick he was utterly emaciated imo with ridiculous out of proportion legs - whilst I was impressed with his speed I would not want his body shape.

Body shape is fairly unique to individuals, but anyway it wasn't his leg muscles that were allowing him to ride up the hill at 15mph - it was his CV and aerobic system...
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