For those that are new to the ride, here's a
RideWithGPS link that you can download the gps or tcx that follows the route from East Croydon Station to Brighton.
A couple of safety pointers.
Safety advice #1
After descending Clayton Hill into Pycombe. The cars carry on following the A23 down into Brighton. Unless you are super confident at mixing with very fast traffic on a dual carriage way that is more motorway, it's best avoided. Instead, do a right into South Downs Way just after mile 39 (check the map linked), mindful of traffic behind and ahead, turning right and gear low for a little climb up. Follow the road up hill and down, follow it round until you get to the cycle path that runs alongside the A23 all the way until after the roundabout. (The map shows the route as running on the A23. Don't worry, it is the cycle path next to it.). It's very easy to miss the turning due the fast descent so have your wits about you.
Safety advice #2
It is great fun mixing with the crocks and the interaction with the drivers and passengers is usually quite fun and jolly. However, the majority of the vehicles brakes are quite rudimentary. If you are in front of a crock (at a junction or lights etc), be aware that they can take a very long time to stop. If you a drafting they can suddenly slow down/come to a stop due to other vehicles and traffic or suffer a mechanical, especially on the hills.
Toot Toot
See you on the road or at the Fish and Chip place on the beach.
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