Your spot on, yet way off point.
From photoshop 1.5 through CS3 there have been very subtle differences with layout, shortcuts etc, all in favour of Apple, i'm not the only one who has spotted this, it has also being noticed by...well...the design community at large (this is why they used macs when they were merely beige boxes) obviusly its not just photoshop, the same applies for almost any design package, so when "time is money" it makes economical sence if jobs are going to be quicker on a Mac.
Macs are slower, with the same spec, that akes no sence whatsoever. I can understand that judgement being made on Vista as any system with less than 2g RAM will lose 50% resources to the OS, another reason why the design industry favour Mac's, as they dedicate more memory to powering the programs used rather than the OS, that said the new Mac OS systems are a little weak, there was no need for anything more than OS 9.
To answer another question, it is not a piss take, however I suppose i am a very deluded individual, yes I would rather pay "four times the price" for something that looks beautiful, yet i suppose I can afford to, and justify it with the advatages it brings, unfortunately as i said before, Windows is better for parametrics, so I require a Windows system also, however i do have the taskbar at the top of the screen, and have all the icons in Mac OS 9 positions, well XP is Mac OS 9 in many respects!