I had mine done about a year ago. Fantastic. No regrets.
I waited years. Essentially on account of 'it's too recent to judge any long term effects'. But it's been around 30 years now, so...
I did a lot of googling before going ahead. I think what finally swung it for me was a piece of academic research that had been done in Germany, I think it was, involving something like 400 people who had had it done 20 years ago, give or take. All were asked (among others) two questions: 1) do you regret having had it done? And 2) would you recommend it to a friend? 100% responded 'no' to the first question and 'yes' to the second. I think I would have been ok with 98.4% or even 96.8%...but 100%? Looked sound to me.
After 30 myopic years, it's brilliant not to need glasses. On holiday last year I swam across the bay, pulled myself out on the rocks, and looked back. Instead of two blue smudges and a yellow smudge I could see the sea, and the beach on the other side of the bay, and the sky above, all crystal clear. You can't put a price on that.
Don't take my word for it - or anyone else's. Google it, take your time, it's a big decision. But the failure rates and the complications are actually very low. It is in truth a very simple operation.
Personally I'm with the 100%. I've never regretted it even one tiny bit. Wish I'd done it 20 years earlier.