Just a little insight.

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I once had a guy wheel a toddler in a pushchair straight off the pavement in front of me. I screeched to a halt without hitting either, but he didn't bat an eyelid, either to apologise or accuse.

I think it's pretty good at getting you noticed, whether it gets a reaction after that is a different kettle of fish.

RAF Pilot on seeing and being seen.

Daniel Kahneman writes about a case in which a cop was chasing a suspect, and in the process passed two other cops beating a guy on the floor without stopping them. They were in a position where he couldn't have failed to see them, so he was convicted for failing to prevent the assault, but his conviction was overturned because of the psychology experiments that show when your attention is focused on one thing it's blind to anything else.

First class. :okay:

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Lots of interesting stuff but given the slow speed the driver will have been pulling out at and near constant angle down road. I think we can put this down to be careless in checking the way was clear.


Lots of interesting stuff but given the slow speed the driver will have been pulling out at and near constant angle down road. I think we can put this down to be careless in checking the way was clear.

At the end of the day, I think that's about the size of it. Everything else is maybe more mitigation as we surely should all still be held accountable for our own actions regardless?


All at sea⛵
I get that, and am now of an age where I accept that. I was prepared for some kind of acknowledgement that she was sorry she didn't see me, to which I would have replied with a wave and a smile, no harm no foul. What prompted the thread was the fact that she was incensed that I was somehow blocking her path. You probably had to see the look of disdain to fully appreciate her annoyance, which in turn left me flabbergasted.

That really is the core of this mismatch of expectations.
Motorists cannot sée me because I dont fit their threat model.
When I do become a threat by bring in a space they thought they owned they become territorial.


I did a small experiment.

I stooped, made sure my grey hair was showing and walked slowly down the country lane with a little dog. Vulnerable looking.

Then hid my hair, wore a big coat, chainsaw trousers, boots and had a big chainsaw in my hand and walked in an aggressive manner.

Then wore a smart coat and carried a rifle case over my shoulder and walked smartly down the same road.

The traffic slowed most for the last and least for the vulnerable scenario. It still shocked me that it was so.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I did a small experiment.

I stooped, made sure my grey hair was showing and walked slowly down the country lane with a little dog. Vulnerable looking.

Then hid my hair, wore a big coat, chainsaw trousers, boots and had a big chainsaw in my hand and walked in an aggressive manner.

Then wore a smart coat and carried a rifle case over my shoulder and walked smartly down the same road.

The traffic slowed most for the last and least for the vulnerable scenario. It still shocked me that it was so.
I tried that. It shocked me, but in each case the traffic actually stopped for me...

In the first case a driver stole the dog. In the second case they stole my chainsaw. In the last case they stole the rifle!



West Yorks
They see something else, but don't see the smaller vehicle, they focus on the larger one, but miss the smaller one be it a bicycle or motor bike, there's a name for it, but fighter pilots are made to keep looking all over so that they pick up everything in view.
Edit It's called Visual Scanning, constantly looking around, then coming back to where they looked the pilot notes more things around them

To understand the SMIDSY phenomenon it's worth reading about visual saccades as well.
visual Saccades is what I was thinking of above, it shocks me how many people I see driving on dual carriage ways & motorways staring fixedly ahead, with no clue about what's going on around or behind them


Legendary Member
...it shocks me how many people I see driving on dual carriage ways & motorways staring fixedly ahead, with no clue about what's going on around or behind them

Like many cyclists. Most of the headcam footage on pooptube (in needs to be headcam film and not bar mounted for obvious reasons) and the like shows how appalling their obs skills are.


Kilometre nibbler
There used to be a thing called IIRC Dangerous Moments in the Telegraph. It would feature a photo taken from a car & the text would discuss what you should be considering and noticing, including things not in shot cos they are behind you.

I used to find it interesting and my mother (who took the Telegraph) used to save them for me.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
There used to be a thing called IIRC Dangerous Moments in the Telegraph. It would feature a photo taken from a car & the text would discuss what you should be considering and noticing, including things not in shot cos they are behind you.

I used to find it interesting and my mother (who took the Telegraph) used to save them for me.

Dangerous things. Don’t be taking photos when in charge of a car…
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