Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
In one way that is admirable, but in another... it is a bit, er, strange!I try and do the same all year around
It is good to carry on riding through the winter, but why would you ride for the same number of hours in a winter week plagued by freezing fog, torrential rain, strong winds, sleet, hail etc. as you would in a beautifully warm and sunny week in summer (if we actually had them!)?

I have compromised now. I used to virtually abandon cycling for the winter but the 3-rides-a-week challenge has kept me going for 88+ weeks on the trot now. Even when I have been travelling, ill, or booked up with family gatherings, I have done at least a bare minimum of 3 x 30 minutes rides a week. In the winter not much more than that, but the average so far in 2024 has been 6 hours/week.