It seems to me……

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Devotee of OCD
… be slightly quieter on here of late.

I presume less light, less warmth (For most) = less cycling. That in turn means less to talk about.

So what’s your Winter cycling routine ? Ride it out (Pardon the pun), pick and choose the good days, carry on regardless. Or…..?


Legendary Member
My winter cycling routine = ride my bike a bit.

All uphill

Still rolling along
I use my bike most days as I don't have a car. Into town and back is around 2 miles and I'll usually extend that a bit.

I have one longer ride each week, though these are shorter in winter - 20 to 25 miles rather than 40+.

The last few winters the various photo challenges on Cyclechat have given longer rides a purpose when the sun doesn't shine. I remember cycling a hilly and very wet 100km to get a village sign starting with 'V'. I would never have done that without the challenge.


Devotee of OCD
I use my bike most days as I don't have a car. Into town and back is around 2 miles and I'll usually extend that a bit.

I have one longer ride each week, though these are shorter in winter - 20 to 25 miles.

The last few winters the various photo challenges on Cyclechat have given longer rides a purpose when the sun doesn't shine. I remember cycling a hilly and very wet 100km to get a village sign starting with 'V'. I would never have done that without the challenge.

I ride a fair bit solo. The challenges for pics undoubtedly help my motivation too…..


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Talk of Winter. Just been cycling the King Alfred Way on CX bikes with camping gear the last four days. Busy riding !

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I don't have a car, there's no nearby bus to my work.
By the time I walk to the bus stop, I would have arrived at work on my bike.
There are 2 major supermarkets on my cycling route back from work, none should I take the bus.
There's no competition, the bike wins every time, even if it's raining.


Devotee of OCD
My cycling has literally been transformed this year….

At the ripe old age of 52 - I’ve realised getting my head down and chasing times / Strava PB’s etc isn’t all that cycling is about. Didn't take me long hey ? 😉

In recent years I used to cycle pretty much purely to burn calories. Now I’m using it as a way to explore, to see some scenery, to de-stress from work, as a social thing; now I’m in with a couple of groups / riding buddies…..I really look forward to getting out on any of the bikes; and am really-really loving the whole cycling vibe I’ve discovered. Or more to the point ‘made’ for myself. And long may it continue.
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Its peaks and troughs, peaks and troughs for me.

My everyday cycling has stayed consistent, I'm still cycling 3 or 4 times weekly for shopping and about once a month with the trailer for the big shop.

My leisure rides are all over the place though in terms of consistency, I have a couple of longer rides lined up in the next 4-6 weeks (over 50 miles) but otherwise I seem to go out and do the same lap of the area. That's not a bad thing as such but I'm sensing I'm settling into a comfortable rut and want to push out a bit.


Senior Member
The biggest single part of my cycling is commuting usually twice a week - roughly 24.5km one way. There are shorter routes but they are much more crowded with cars. That commuting helps me to keep the motivation up for cycling even in the "dark" months.
A foretaste of what is to come from last week:

On weekends I will explore the smaller paths in the area here with the single speed bike(s) - just riding and looking out for some photographic opportunities, trying to get into woodland photography.

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