Good advice cheers. I'm upto a base of about 2200 miles since October, so it's getting closer.
My goals this year are all centred around completing the century sponsored ride within 7.5 hours. I'm confident that by then (July) I'll be fine for that. So maybe I should just keep focus on that and keep the distance going and then worry about intervals afterwards when my base is more?
I'd be very interested in anything anyone's got to say on training plans!
If you carry on as you are you will find eventually you will plateau and it's then you would need to decide if you want to get better than your plateau level
Many moons ago I asked and old head what he did to become so good and his simple reply was lots and lots of miles riding and little else
Take my commute for example I've done nothing away from the bike i.e gym or diet and I cover the 28 miles without thinking about it now yet 15 months ago it was somewhat an effort. I've done over 3000 miles in that time and nothing else my average is up from sub 20mph to post 20mph so I figured this bloke was correct.
I seemed to haves reached my plateau which is still below most but I've no desire to race unlike yourself but if I did I would probably not do any more than O do now and just be content with the taking part
For me it's a life Balance I Iove riding a bike but I also like lazy days, cake, and chocky biscuits I'm not ashamed to get off and push on a steep hill nor am I bothered when I get dropped on my commute but it's clear to me those who are good do train, do diet, and do spend lots of time on the bike and I admire their dedication and commitment for what for most is just self satisfaction