Is insurance worth it ?

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I been with Bikmo for a few years now it covers my bikes , 3rd party and me if i'm injured out on a ride.
Same cover via home insurance ect work out more than separate bike insurance.

Probably depends on the company

cover for my (our) 2 ebikes has never increased the cost of the home insurance- so far!


Active Member
I don't have me bike insured but I have personal life insurance, I think it is definitely worth it, you just never know what's going to happen! if anyone is on the hunt for sports insurance or life insurance, I worked with sports fs who specialise in sport and occupational life insurance could not recommend enough^_^


South Wales
I been with Bikmo for a few years now it covers my bikes , 3rd party and me if i'm injured out on a ride.
Same cover via home insurance ect work out more than separate bike insurance.

Not with mine.

Full coverage with Aviva home insurance,for any bike up to £2500 in value, added £23 to the cost of my policy. And yes, that includes full third party coverage. Which it paid out on when I hat a car a couple of years ago.


This seems an appropriate thread in which to comment on BC insurance. I would stress this is for info and is not a moan. I was taken by surprise on a couple of points.

Three weeks ago I was hit from behind by a tractor driver resulting in five days hospitalisation, numerous injuries, bike, kit, helmet, Wahoo all written off. It seems, I don't remember, I was thrown high and left and the bike went under the wheel!

BC accepted my claim and passed me to Leigh Day, solicitors. Leigh Day have been completely professional and the solicitor assigned to me excellent. She is a cyclist herself, understands us, is kind and very clear in her explanations.

The drawback is Leigh Day will only be able to recover the pre-incident, open market second-hand value of my bike. Clothing, helmet, Wahoo etc. are subject to fair wear and tear. This came as a surprise, I had expected new for old. My total replacement value on these items is £6800. You can imagine the losses of a 6 year old Wahoo against a new one at £350 under fair wear and tear. My bibs are three years old etc.

As my bike is a custom build Leigh Day say they would be able to argue a higher value.

The second surprise is a payout could take 12-18 months depending on the attitude of the driver's insurer.

I also contacted a "no win, no fee" business. Bike, kit etc. is a similar value but they would take 25% of a successful PI claim.

I've decided to claim for bike, kit etc from my home insurance and use Leigh Day for PI. I'm delighted to have such a good firm behind me at no cost to myself regardless of the claim outcome.

The point to the story is this. BC membership and cover is very worthwhile but if one needs a quick payout and full replacement cost another form of cover is needed alongside BC.
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Legendary Member
This seems an appropriate thread in which to comment on BC insurance. I would stress this is for info and is not a moan. I was taken by surprise on a couple of points.

Three weeks ago I was hit from behind by a tractor driver resulting in five days hospitalisation, numerous injuries, bike, kit, helmet, Wahoo all written off. It seems, I don't remember, I was thrown high and left and the bike went under the wheel!

BC accepted my claim and passed me to Leigh Day, solicitors. Leigh Day have been completely professional and the solicitor assigned to me excellent. She is a cyclist herself, understands us, is kind and very clear in her explanations.

The drawback is Leigh Day will only be able to recover the pre-incident, open market second-hand value of my bike. Clothing, helmet, Wahoo etc. are subject to fair wear and tear. This came as a surprise, I had expected new for old. My total replacement value on these items is £6800. You can imagine the losses of a 6 year old Wahoo against a new one at £350 under fair wear and tear. My bibs are three years old etc.

As my bike is a custom build Leigh Day say they would be able to argue a higher value.

The second surprise is a payout could take 12-18 months depending on the attitude of the driver's insurer.

I also contacted a "no win, no fee" business. Bike, kit etc. is a similar value but they would take 25% of a successful PI claim.

I've decided to claim for bike, kit etc from my home insurance and use Leigh Day for PI. I'm delighted to have such a good firm behind me at no cost to myself regardless of the claim outcome.

The point to the story is this. BC membership and cover is very worthwhile but if one needs a quick payout and full replacement cost another form of cover is needed alongside BC.

My claim through Leigh Day took over 3 years. Partly as my injuries took ages to get to a point where I’d likely recovered as much as I would (you mustn’t settle until healed), and also because Leigh Day contacts changed a couple of times which made it a bit frustrating.
I think I got about 80% back for my 4 week old helmet and a bit back for the tights the hospital cut off
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I have TPL with CyclingUK.

I claimed once, over a decade ago (back in the CTC days) after a driver who failed to look knocked me off and broke my elbow. As the police failed to take any action against the driver, it brought me some comfort that they'd at least have their insurance premiums increased for a few years. I think it was a matter of months before I received a good some in compensation, which covered a good deal more than the repairs to the bike.

First thing I did, as soon resumed cycling, was re-join CyclingUK.

At the moment I don't bother insuring the bikes. Largely through apathy. But also, because when I've looked at the detail, the terms / conditions / excesses and if going the house insurance route, hiked premiums in the event of the claim and it seems less than worthwhile.

One is expensive. One is considerably expensive (about a third the cost of the expensive one). And the others set me back about 1/20th the cost of the most expensive one. I'm lucky - if they are nicked, I can afford to replace them. I did get a few quotes insure the expensive bike - they just don't seem worth it, given that I never leave it unattended away from home anyway.


My claim through Leigh Day took over 3 years. Partly as my injuries took ages to get to a point where I’d likely recovered as much as I would (you mustn’t settle until healed), and also because Leigh Day contacts changed a couple of times which made it a bit frustrating.
I think I got about 80% back for my 4 week old helmet and a bit back for the tights the hospital cut off
You make an important point regarding settling to early. I'm very fortunate my injuries, relative to the impact, are light. I was riding at 25 - 30. The tractor overtook me and I was hit by the trailer or implement on the back. The tractor must have been travelling at 30 - 35.

I "got away" with four broken ribs, fractured lower eye socket, broken finger and very heavy impact on one knee. Plenty of gravel rash! My only real concern long-term is the potential impact on my knee.

I hear what you say regarding settlement. I hope my injuries will be healed in a short time.
I know a lot of you probably have more expensive bikes than me
but so far I have not had to pay any extra for my House Insurance to cover the bike as well
I just sometimes have to tell them the exact make and model

I just hope that if I have to claim they don;t ask for the original receipt - because this isn't the bike I bought
I bought a cheaper Raleigh ebike but it had a design fault (now fixed) and they got fed up with me (and the LBS who were brilliant) moaning and gave me a better bike to shut me up!
(to be fair - they had just changed the model slightly so they could call it the next year's model - so this one was out of date but whatever!)


Silencing his legs regularly
I've had both sides of the insurance coin. Got turned down flat when the Litespeed was nicked- but that was on me, didn't have a Sold Secure Gold rated lock as per terms of the policy. OTOH, when my Yamaha YBR125 was written off, everything got dealt with in a satisfactory and efficient fashion with positive financial result. The Abus D-lock (1.6kg) is now the 'cafe lock' of choice. A pain, but cheaper than a new bike.


Legendary Member
This seems an appropriate thread in which to comment on BC insurance. I would stress this is for info and is not a moan. I was taken by surprise on a couple of points.

Three weeks ago I was hit from behind by a tractor driver resulting in five days hospitalisation, numerous injuries, bike, kit, helmet, Wahoo all written off. It seems, I don't remember, I was thrown high and left and the bike went under the wheel!

BC accepted my claim and passed me to Leigh Day, solicitors. Leigh Day have been completely professional and the solicitor assigned to me excellent. She is a cyclist herself, understands us, is kind and very clear in her explanations.

The drawback is Leigh Day will only be able to recover the pre-incident, open market second-hand value of my bike. Clothing, helmet, Wahoo etc. are subject to fair wear and tear. This came as a surprise, I had expected new for old. My total replacement value on these items is £6800. You can imagine the losses of a 6 year old Wahoo against a new one at £350 under fair wear and tear. My bibs are three years old etc.

As my bike is a custom build Leigh Day say they would be able to argue a higher value.

The second surprise is a payout could take 12-18 months depending on the attitude of the driver's insurer.

I also contacted a "no win, no fee" business. Bike, kit etc. is a similar value but they would take 25% of a successful PI claim.

I've decided to claim for bike, kit etc from my home insurance and use Leigh Day for PI. I'm delighted to have such a good firm behind me at no cost to myself regardless of the claim outcome.

The point to the story is this. BC membership and cover is very worthwhile but if one needs a quick payout and full replacement cost another form of cover is needed alongside BC.
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