Is 5 a day good science?

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Openly Marxist
I'll carrying on putting salt on my food but not feeling quite so guilty - looking forward to good news on the healthy butter front now!

Kiss goodbye to the guilt, 3BM. Butter is fine. You heard it here first!


Man or Moose!
Depends what you mean by good science!

If you consider psychology to be a scientific subject, then yes its good science!


New Member
Yes what my Doctor says is perfectly reasonable, and is common-sense.

That's the point I'm trapped, I feel I'm in the middle of a con game!

I eat lots of vegetables, but not all different.

I need to get my teeth into the science behind it, to be able to fight my way out.


Man or Moose!
Why dont you just focus on meeting your dietary requirements rather than worrying about how many different vegetables you are actually consuming?

I personally do not see the point in worrying about it.


New Member
I personally do not see the point in worrying about it.

I'm not worrying about it!
I want to go to war, need ammunition
get the pic'' !


back and brave
I need to get my teeth into the science behind it, to be able to fight my way out.

I think you'll find that if you read the science, that it too is divided. Let google be your friend... or fiend, as the case may be.

Don't fight anyone over it, just make up your own mind and go your own way. Let how you feel (both mentally and physically) be your guide. If necessary, smile at the doc and say 'yes sir no sir'.


In between here and there
Something I never understood about the "rules"

Only one Fruit juice can be counted in to the 5 a day.

2 or more of any single item in one day should only be counted as one.
Why Potatoes do not count.


Man or Moose!
Something I never understood about the "rules"

Only one Fruit juice can be counted in to the 5 a day.

2 or more of any single item in one day should only be counted as one.
Why Potatoes do not count.

The rule of 5 different fruit and veg is because different veg contain different vitamins and mineral, at least in different concentrations so by eating 5 different veg you are more likely getting a better balance of nutrients over say 3 carrots, 1 apple and 1 orange.

Potatoes have little nutritional value other than carbs, they are starch heavy. They dont contrain the mineral and vitamins that other vegetables do.


Legendary Member
Half a tin of baked beans counts as one portion apparently. A full tin doesn't make two.


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
I don't think there's any science behind choosing the number 5. As has already been said, it's probably more about choosing a number that's a realistic target for people who are used to a diet of fast food and wouldn't know a vegetable or a piece of fruit if it jumped up and bit them.

The science behind eating fruit and veg is that they contain a load of important vitamins, as well as dietary fibre, which is all good for us. If you don't get enough of the right kind of vitamins, you get ill (sailors used to get scurvy). If you don't get enough fibre in your diet, you suffer from constipation. The World Cancer Research Fund has done a study that suggests a link between high fibre diets and a decreased risk of bowel cancer. In extreme cases, very slow bowel movements can cause such a huge blockage in the body that it puts massive pressure on internal organs such as the heart and lungs.

Eating 5 bananas a day would be better than eating no fruit and veg at all, but eating a variety of different fruit and veg means you are giving your body a better chance of getting all the vitamins it needs. Eating 10 a day is probably better than 5, but there will come a point when the benefits of increasing your fruit and veg intake will be subject to the law of diminishing returns. I'm not aware of any studies that have tried to determine what would be optimum.
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