After the music/culture(???)/history/language lessons

, here is some more cycling related blether for a change ...
My ice tyres saved my life this morning

... or at least saved me and the bike a scratch or worse if we'd gone for a slide

. There was a wee icy puddle just where I had to turn into a side street, at an angle, which I didn't see in the gloom until I was nearly upon it - sailed across it with no problems whatsoever. First time they got to do some work, rather than just coming along for the ride

And then the sun

came up for the first time during a commute in what seems like eternity ... and there were some snowdrops by the side of the road that I hadn't noticed

, must have been there for a few days already

. Happy days!
(almost made up for another solid 11 hour day of juggling stuff at the office