The mind boggles ...

I didn't even know what The Sound of Music was about until I arrived in this country

... despite having lived in Salzburg for over two years and seeing the SoM tour buses and such like parked all over the place ... just assumed it was something to do with Mozart, the 'other' famous Salzburg music attraction.It looked very touristy/kitschy to me, so I just ignored it.
So when I got to meet new friends in Edinburgh and mentioned where I was coming from, the response was 'ahhh, SoM country' ... and they were very confused that the only thing I vaguely knew about were said buses

. So I was then made to sit down and watch the WHOLE film on a video tape (yes, it's a while ago) ... I was sat there burying my head in my hands at times, as this really was what people seemed to think Austria was like

Bits of it were quite funny, especially the locations ... the front view of the house where the family lived was about a mile or more from the back garden/park ... 2 different places that I had cycled past regularly, and at the end, where they flee from the nazis over the mountains, they are actually heading straight for Germany

... somebody should have pointed them in a different direction!
Apologies to any fans I may have inadvertently affronted, you should come and see what Austria is really like some time, lots of great cycling and cakes, and friendly locals