Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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I wasn't sure exactly where to post this, but I thought it best in here as pretty pointless for our English cousins.

Long story short, I've moved around the last few years and during that time I've met some cracking bike mechanics and some right shysters who shall remain nameless but putting a bike in for a service 1 week after replacing the rotors and pads only for it to come out with old rusty things attached thinking I wouldn't notice was probably about the worst.

I've been in the same place for almost 3 years now and despite a few attempts, I just can't get on with the LBS. I don't feel I'm particularly difficult to please, but I do like a certain level of service because I know what I used to do to keep my customers happy. My latest attempt at getting some help from this guy came on a bit of an emergency as I decided to take my bike down south on a work trip next week on the train rather than driving. Admittedly this bit is my fault, but I forgot I damaged my seat post clamp when freeing it from the frame. I also had a damaged gear cable, which is something I hate trying to fix myself. I'm on the train Sunday midday, so needed help quickly, but all I got was a glum looking torn faced individual who without thinking told me he can't help me. I get the whole booking system and being busy and all the rest of it, but I honestly don't think its too much to ask to have a look to see if it could be a simple fix to get me on my way.

Then I remembered a bike shop I'd used reasonably close by in Old Kilpatrick called I bought a bike for Mrs Slick here over 10 years ago from this guys dad who has now retired. I thought I'd see if they could help, it wasn't even a question, straight away he agreed to get me up and running and had it ready by 1 o'clock this afternoon. Couldn't believe the contrast between the 2 shops, and I can't speak highly enough of the service received. I'm sure a few will already be aware of this place due to its location, but give them a try next time your heading to Loch Lomond. :okay:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Hi @Slick yes I know the shop, I have used it to buy accessories on my way to Loch Lomond in the past.
I really hope I won't have a mechanical so far from home, but it's good to know they are good mechanics too.
For some reason, I thought you live in Paisley, or maybe this was years ago, when we last spoke. :hello:


Hi @Slick yes I know the shop, I have used it to buy accessories on my way to Loch Lomond in the past.
I really hope I won't have a mechanical so far from home, but it's good to know they are good mechanics too.
For some reason, I thought you live in Paisley, or maybe this was years ago, when we last spoke. :hello:

Yeah, I've moved since then Pat, but not far. Mrs Slick just preferred this side of the water. :okay:

Mrs M

Read this in the news earlier.
Bit of a worry as one of our regular routes 😬


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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I wasn't sure exactly where to post this, but I thought it best in here as pretty pointless for our English cousins.

Long story short, I've moved around the last few years and during that time I've met some cracking bike mechanics and some right shysters who shall remain nameless but putting a bike in for a service 1 week after replacing the rotors and pads only for it to come out with old rusty things attached thinking I wouldn't notice was probably about the worst.

I've been in the same place for almost 3 years now and despite a few attempts, I just can't get on with the LBS. I don't feel I'm particularly difficult to please, but I do like a certain level of service because I know what I used to do to keep my customers happy. My latest attempt at getting some help from this guy came on a bit of an emergency as I decided to take my bike down south on a work trip next week on the train rather than driving. Admittedly this bit is my fault, but I forgot I damaged my seat post clamp when freeing it from the frame. I also had a damaged gear cable, which is something I hate trying to fix myself. I'm on the train Sunday midday, so needed help quickly, but all I got was a glum looking torn faced individual who without thinking told me he can't help me. I get the whole booking system and being busy and all the rest of it, but I honestly don't think its too much to ask to have a look to see if it could be a simple fix to get me on my way.

Then I remembered a bike shop I'd used reasonably close by in Old Kilpatrick called I bought a bike for Mrs Slick here over 10 years ago from this guys dad who has now retired. I thought I'd see if they could help, it wasn't even a question, straight away he agreed to get me up and running and had it ready by 1 o'clock this afternoon. Couldn't believe the contrast between the 2 shops, and I can't speak highly enough of the service received. I'm sure a few will already be aware of this place due to its location, but give them a try next time your heading to Loch Lomond. :okay:

Interesting and a bit nostalgic as I was manager at Littlemill Distillery in Bowling for 10 years and I used that place under the arches who were always very helpful. The frontage is a bit smartened up since then.


Interesting and a bit nostalgic as I was manager at Littlemill Distillery in Bowling for 10 years and I used that place under the arches who were always very helpful. The frontage is a bit smartened up since then.

Its been well developed over the last few years with lots of different businesses in each arch. They even reinstated the old railway bridge as a by-pass so we don't have to cross the road any more. Its quite a busy gathering place now.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Its been well developed over the last few years with lots of different businesses in each arch. They even reinstated the old railway bridge as a by-pass so we don't have to cross the road any more. Its quite a busy gathering place now.

Ii found a photo taken in probably about 1970 but the arches are not shown.
The boat built up like a galleon you can see actually sailed to Tobermory one summer holiday. It was owned by an engineer I employed from time to time. He lived permanently on board with wife and I think two children.



Ii found a photo taken in probably about 1970 but the arches are not shown.
The boat built up like a galleon you can see actually sailed to Tobermory one summer holiday. It was owned by an engineer I employed from time to time. He lived permanently on board with wife and I think two children.

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Excellent picture. Last time I looked, there were still a couple of full timers there, maybe more. Do you know anything about the wrecks half buried in the mud?
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