Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Excellent picture. Last time I looked, there were still a couple of full timers there, maybe more. Do you know anything about the wrecks half buried in the mud?

Would that be out-with the canal basin?
If so I think they were defunct tugs. I have photos taken from the top of the malt kiln ( which will now be demolished) and I will have a look to see what is there.
The photos were mainly of the old distillery buildings and office so may not go much beyond..
The biggest boat in the photo belonged to Mr Cadden a dentist who had a dental surgery on board which he sailed as far a Islay and Mull and some other islands. I never was on board as he had a land based surgery here when we came.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Would that be out-with the canal basin?
If so I think they were defunct tugs. I have photos taken from the top of the malt kiln ( which will now be demolished) and I will have a look to see what is there.
The photos were mainly of the old distillery buildings and office so may not go much beyond..
The biggest boat in the photo belonged to Mr Cadden a dentist who had a dental surgery on board which he sailed as far a Islay and Mull and some other islands. I never was on board as he had a land based surgery here when we came.

The only photo immediately to hand does not show anything significant but I may have something on an external drive. The ones stuck in the mud I do remember seeing and they are probably associated with Scott of Bowling shipyard which you can see in the photo.
We had an “ interesting “ relationship with them as we supplied then with water from our supply which was thermostatically controlled but sometimes they got hot water by mistake if a thermostat malfunctioned. Since the water was used to cool a compressor they were not happy and Mr Scott was up waving his lawyers at us.



The only photo immediately to hand does not show anything significant but I may have something on an external drive. The ones stuck in the mud I do remember seeing and they are probably associated with Scott of Bowling shipyard which you can see in the photo.
We had an “ interesting “ relationship with them as we supplied then with water from our supply which was thermostatically controlled but sometimes they got hot water by mistake if a thermostat malfunctioned. Since the water was used to cool a compressor they were not happy and Mr Scott was up waving his lawyers at us.

View attachment 737700

Another cracking photo. :thumbsup:

Is that the bit of water where the boats are lying? The boat yard is putting me off a bit as I've never seen it before, its pretty much all houses now.

Also, the picture looks to have been taken from what is now a bit of a run down hotel, but I'll need to check when I get home.

Thanks for the pictures, Mrs Slick will be very grateful. :thumbsup:


Oh, I didn't know that!
Haven't been for ages, since before the first lockdown.
Must go soon - well, after the gardening season is over ^_^

Its a lovely little piece of history Pat, I love it. Its only a very short section but I'm sure it cost a fortune. Lovely wee cafe in below for coffee and cake as well, with nice picnic benches out back. Good a reason as any to go. :okay:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another cracking photo. :thumbsup:

Is that the bit of water where the boats are lying? The boat yard is putting me off a bit as I've never seen it before, its pretty much all houses now.

Also, the picture looks to have been taken from what is now a bit of a run down hotel, but I'll need to check when I get home.

Thanks for the pictures, Mrs Slick will be very grateful. :thumbsup:

The boat yard is the big shed where they built small craft like tugs etc. Launching days were a nuisance to us as punters tried to park in our yard which caused disruption.
Bowling Basin is where the wrecks were and there is an entrance to be seen to the Clyde. The sealock for the canal can just be seen at the far end.
The distillery had a very innovative malt kiln which we built ourselves [real back of envelope stuff]. Wet malted barley went in the top and dry came out the bottom. This building was pretty tall and that is where the photo was taken.
I lived in the distillery house which cannot be seen but is on the left more or less opposite the second bus. There was a date of 1772 carved above the front door which made it the oldest working distillery in Scotland.
A sad day when it was taken over by a shower who were only interested in a fast buck and desperate to build houses on the site.


The boat yard is the big shed where they built small craft like tugs etc. Launching days were a nuisance to us as punters tried to park in our yard which caused disruption.
Bowling Basin is where the wrecks were and there is an entrance to be seen to the Clyde. The sealock for the canal can just be seen at the far end.
The distillery had a very innovative malt kiln which we built ourselves [real back of envelope stuff]. Wet malted barley went in the top and dry came out the bottom. This building was pretty tall and that is where the photo was taken.
I lived in the distillery house which cannot be seen but is on the left more or less opposite the second bus. There was a date of 1772 carved above the front door which made it the oldest working distillery in Scotland.
A sad day when it was taken over by a shower who were only interested in a fast buck and desperate to build houses on the site.

I'm going to take another wee sniff around the place when I get a chance, see if I can't see any evidence of what you describe. Great to see the old pictures though, the modern ones are nowhere near as interesting.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Photos from a visit to TruckFest at Knockhill on Saturday..... Moved from the "When will it stop raining" thread.


A few years ago I was doing agency work and did a double manning job with the guy who owns this. Moving Airbus wing parts from the factory near Chester to Spirit aerosystems at Prestwick. Wasn't driving this one at the time though. But he spoke about nothing other than lorries for the whole shift! I quite liked driving them but that was where my interest in lorries ended, so it was a long day :laugh:.


A company reasonably local to me (Kilbirnie).


A Billy Connolly fan!


And a biker... TT fan.


North Shields
Shame the Billy Connolly fan couldn't have got a variation on Big Yin.

I love the naffness of devoted airbrushing like this, and I say that with no shade whatsoever, it takes a lot of dedication.
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Photos from a visit to TruckFest at Knockhill on Saturday..... Moved from the "When will it stop raining" thread.

View attachment 742750

A few years ago I was doing agency work and did a double manning job with the guy who owns this. Moving Airbus wing parts from the factory near Chester to Spirit aerosystems at Prestwick. Wasn't driving this one at the time though. But he spoke about nothing other than lorries for the whole shift! I quite liked driving them but that was where my interest in lorries ended, so it was a long day :laugh:.

View attachment 742751

A company reasonably local to me (Kilbirnie).

View attachment 742752

A Billy Connolly fan!

View attachment 742753

And a biker... TT fan.

Excellent pictures. :thumbsup:

I was aware it was on, although only because the radio was excited and confused by monster trucks and some celebrity ice road trucker making an appearance. Anyway, missed it again, so thanks for the pictures. :okay:


Photos from a visit to TruckFest at Knockhill on Saturday..... Moved from the "When will it stop raining" thread.

View attachment 742750

A few years ago I was doing agency work and did a double manning job with the guy who owns this. Moving Airbus wing parts from the factory near Chester to Spirit aerosystems at Prestwick. Wasn't driving this one at the time though. But he spoke about nothing other than lorries for the whole shift! I quite liked driving them but that was where my interest in lorries ended, so it was a long day :laugh:.

View attachment 742751

A company reasonably local to me (Kilbirnie).

View attachment 742752

A Billy Connolly fan!

View attachment 742753

And a biker... TT fan.

Who's is the Scania?


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Who's is the Scania?

John Templeton is the guy's name...
Told me the "Super Heroes" Scania is now for sale and he has a new one on order, which will also have a custom paint job. Previously he had one based on the Avatar films. Which was nicer than that Super Heroes one IMHO, which is just a bit too "busy" looking...

Edit to add a pic of his previous Scania, Avatar themed:

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