Link please!Funny you should mention that.............. I think they did, but I had another pressing matter to attend to........ My new nickname " Patch" may shed some light.
15 flats in the first 19 days, before I binned the tyres and got some better ones. The blog is longggggg and boring and was only done so my nearest and dearest could keep tabs on my progress / whereabouts. But I did see a bear ! and a linx and a cougar ( she had two legs ), another story for another time.

15 flats in 19 days

Aside from 4 punctures in 2 days due to a tyre bead poking through, my own touring adventure was largely puncture-free. Just a shame that it ended prematurely thanks to Italian bike thieves, as it was awesome while it lasted (I should probably get round to writing an account of it at some point