Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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Leg End Member
There's still a vote, just not one that I'll be participating in.
If madness prevails there is the possibility of a large number of British subjects living abroad who suddenly feel the need to contact the consulate/foreign office...
Best o'luck


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
How you gonna get back without passport?
Pretend to be Syrian/Iraqi/Libyan/Outer Mongolian.. It would also solve his problem of having given up his house!

Sorry to hear of the theft @Edwardoka , thieving bassas with no conscience. A ruined trip, no bike, and a load of hassle; just so some lowlife can score a few euros for his next bag of smack. Hope karma gets the POS..

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
More misfortune has befallen our @Edwardoka: he dropped and broke his phone, he got to Genova to find out the British Consulate there no longer exists.
They did not bother mentioning this on the website!


Leg End Member
I aten't dead yet...
That's one thing I suppose.....
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