Well done BBC weather forecast, yet again

. This morning they were saying it was to be dry all day until early evening at least, so with the lack of wind I decided it was an ideal opportunity to get my December 100km ride sorted. I left home and went up over the Brisbane Glen to KIlmacolm, Houston, Bishopton, over the Erskine Bridge to Clydebank. All was going well apart from a thorn going through a Marathon+ just outside Kilmacolm. Stopped for lunch at Clydebank, then came out to a few spits of rain. Within 10 minutes it was on for the day type rain, and getting quite heavy. Over the river on the wee ferry at Yoker then, and beat a hasty retreat to Paisley for a train home

. 35 miles done, so not even close. Bolloxy bliddy weather

@Pat "5mph" , please don't make things worse by telling me about your rain free commutes today!