Irish inventions

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Legendary Member
You might want to google it Lance.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
That's not bad. We British invented the train, the tank, the hovercraft, and, I am almost certain, the steam engine. The Americans invented the aeroplane, and the helicopter. The Germans invented the car, the rocket and the airship. The French invented the hot air balloon. It's impossible to say who invented the boat, ship or horse-drawn conveyance. I don't know who invented the bus, the motorcycle or the bicycle.
The Australians invented the whirlygig washing line.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
With reference to music I think the Irish jigs are better than the Scottish ones. Anyone know which came first,?


Legendary Member
quaternions were invented by Sir William Rowan Hamilton

He was a very eminent Irish mathematician & physicist who decided that the everyday imaginary numbers we did at school just weren't imaginary enough so he came up with quaternions which are even more imaginary. Apparently when he suddenly realised the secret ingredient needed to make them work whilst on an evening walk he carved it into the stone of a canal bridge in Dublin.

After googling, found that the commemorative plaque on the bridge says this

Here as he walked by
on the 16th of October 1843
Sir William Rowan Hamilton
in a flash of genius discovered
the fundamental formula for
quaternion multiplication
i² = j² = k² = ijk = −1
& cut it on a stone of this bridge


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
Aoife must be Eve, surely?

Makes me laugh when media types re-spell their boring English names the Gaelic way so as to make them stand out in the credits.

The Irish invented Guinness. I'm in Lagos, which has the biggest Guinness brewery in the world, bigger than Dublin. How did Guinness come to West Africa? The Irish missionaries brought it with them.
I occasionally spell my name in Gaelic fashion. And I'm not a wanky meejia type.

Then again, it's an Irish name.

I'll sometimes do it on these shopper's surveys, because it's a good way of finding out who they are selling your data to.

Inventions? Oh, erm... Soda Farls.


Heavy Metal Fan
Induction Coil
Whiskey Distilling apparatus
Guided Missile (the same chap, Louis Brennan, apparently invented the first helicopter. I'm not sure how the Americans get the title now)
Flavoured Crisps
Bacon rashers
colour photography
The Tank
Cure for leprosy
Portable defibrillator
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