Inconsistencies or plot holes in films

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Alien/Aliens/Alien3/Alien Resurrection and Alien:Romulus
The length of time an Alien gestates inside of you is vastly different in A:Romulus compared to the first four films. In the first four we see how the Facehugger will spend a significant amount of time attached to someone, then once the egg is planted it takes some time to grow (and once born takes longer still to reach full size). In A:Romulus both the attachment/gestation phase and the subsequent growth once born is a lot faster.

Spoilers for A:Romulus!

The Facehuggers in the film have been engineered from the orginal Alien that attacked the Nostromo (hint, its not dead!) and not laid by a Queen, and so their growth phases may have been altered. But if it is a cinematic decision so they can bring the creature into play earlier they could have had one of the existing fully grown Aliens from the Hive we don't see until 2/3 of the way through make an earlier appearence.

Now I don't mind this as such, and the film isn't any worse off BTW I think, I'm just nitpicking!

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Alien/Aliens/Alien3/Alien Resurrection and Alien:Romulus
The length of time an Alien gestates inside of you is vastly different in A:Romulus compared to the first four films. In the first four we see how the Facehugger will spend a significant amount of time attached to someone, then once the egg is planted it takes some time to grow (and once born takes longer still to reach full size). In A:Romulus both the attachment/gestation phase and the subsequent growth once born is a lot faster.

Spoilers for A:Romulus!

The Facehuggers in the film have been engineered from the orginal Alien that attacked the Nostromo (hint, its not dead!) and not laid by a Queen, and so their growth phases may have been altered. But if it is a cinematic decision so they can bring the creature into play earlier they could have had one of the existing fully grown Aliens from the Hive we don't see until 2/3 of the way through make an earlier appearence.

Now I don't mind this as such, and the film isn't any worse off BTW I think, I'm just nitpicking!
IMHO, there hasn't been a decent Alien movie since 1986.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
One of my faves: Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959) but its got some errors:

Saknussems plumb bob. How did it survive the lava & wouldn't it melt?. Surely the writing would burn off? (in the book, its just a bit of parchment).

At the end, the find the volcanic chimney & Pat Boone exclaims 'We can climb out'...Err, despite his enthusiasm, if the are about 3900 miles down that'll take a while, plus food/water/where to sleep?. And in the final eruption, although we don't know how long it took, after moments they can see light at the top of the shaft....despite being 3900 miles down. The lava must have pushed them at over 1000mph!.

Arne Saknussem's skeleton - to eject the plumbob would require an eruption, so why is his skeleton and indeed, Atlantis, still intact?.

'Estimated depth 129km, limestone formation continues' says James Mason. Limestones are formed mainly in shallow tropical seas....that's one really deep sea!.

'We are now in a stupendous deposit of cinnabar!' another line. Cinnabar is mercury-bearing, probably not very healthy.

Salt deposits miles down?

'A forest of mushrooms, to think they grew without sun this far under the Earth'...mushrooms don't generally need sunlight to grow.

At the centre of the Earth: 'A field of force that snatches gold away'....Pure gold is magnetically inert.
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IMHO, there hasn't been a decent Alien movie since 1986.

Cards on the table, I'm a huge Aliens fan and enjoyed them all. I'll die on the hill that Alien + Aliens are absolutely top class films even if they are vastly different genres (Horror vs Action). After that then yes the quality is variable, but I think all have something going for them, with I think Romulus being the next best after those first 2.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Cards on the table, I'm a huge Aliens fan and enjoyed them all. I'll die on the hill that Alien + Aliens are absolutely top class films even if they are vastly different genres (Horror vs Action). After that then yes the quality is variable, but I think all have something going for them, with I think Romulus being the next best after those first 2.

Prometheus was laughably bad, many SF cliche-tropes such as not landing your ship anywhere near the thing you're interested in plus the old 'storm front moving in' plot line. Plus, she was running about 10 mins after stomach surgery. I had a stomach op in 2017....couldn't get off the bed for 3 days!. Alien, like Jaws, is another example of the law of diminishing franchise returns.
Prometheus was laughably bad, many SF cliche-tropes such as not landing your ship anywhere near the thing you're interested in plus the old 'storm front moving in' plot line. Plus, she was running about 10 mins after stomach surgery. I had a stomach op in 2017....couldn't get off the bed for 3 days!. Alien, like Jaws, is another example of the law of diminishing franchise returns.

Oh yeah I won't defind any of the decisions the crew took in Prometheus, I read a theory that Weyland deliberately stocked the crew with idiots (apart from his own troopers/david) so he can get away with his shenanigans. I don't agree with that and think it's just a bad script. Epic visuals and sound production though.


Legendary Member
admittedly I was about 10 at the time, but I seem to remember it being a pretty good exciting film.

The Time Machine from the same era also a good film. Saw that again as an adult and it still stands up pretty well

I also have a soft spot for some of the B-movie sci fi of that era. The magnetic Monster, the one with Chinese invading by burrowing under the Earth, This Island Earth and so on


Legendary Member
Oh yeah I won't defind any of the decisions the crew took in Prometheus, I read a theory that Weyland deliberately stocked the crew with idiots (apart from his own troopers/david) so he can get away with his shenanigans. I don't agree with that and think it's just a bad script. Epic visuals and sound production though.

I'd previously joked that the Bond Villain character funding the expedition had blown the budget spending billions on the spaceship so could only afford minimum wage blithering idiots as crew members

I too liked the first and second films, and from part viewing also the 3rd. I'm in the minority in liking the 4th one too. Didn't rate the new batch at all as I thought they were stupid and pretentious, which isn't a great combination

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
I'd previously joked that the Bond Villain character funding the expedition had blown the budget spending billions on the spaceship so could only afford minimum wage blithering idiots as crew members

I too liked the first and second films, and from part viewing also the 3rd. I'm in the minority in liking the 4th one too. Didn't rate the new batch at all as I thought they were stupid and pretentious, which isn't a great combination

Alien Vs predator is, IMHO, based purely on a set dressing gag. In Predator 2, Danny Glover sees a xenomorph skull trophy in the spaceship...cue fanboys 'oooh...lets do Alien v Predator'.


Alien 3...exactly how did the queen, sans egg sack & confined to the launch bay, manage to get an egg onboard the Sulaco, left in orbit?. No time to lay one before being chucked out of airlock. Did someone sneak one on board?. As I mentioned, law of diminishing returns, Jurassic Park/World in the same boat.


Just watching the film Romancing the Stone and there a scene where Michael Douglas swings across a gorge on a rope vine and face plants the cliff on the other side.As he hits it you can see the fake rock deforming
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