In Praise of Cardigans

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Sweeping statement warning.

Males in slacks, blazers, sports jackets, vests, ties, anything biege or brown (except brown shoes), and definitely cardigans...

... signify that they have joined the ranks of the truly old.

The feminine equivalents are; garishly coloured anoraks, tweedy skirts, American Tan tights, hideous long floral dresses, and pearl necklaces (no smut please) and matching 'drop' earrings.

The usual habitat of the above, often found coupled together (probably the only time they do couple), is in the local pub at Sunday lunchtime eating a Sunday 'special'.

All of that, both the male and female wear sounds good to me!!! 🧐 :okay:


Legendary Member
And the Sunday special sounds good to me!
I was quite fond of tank tops BITD. Still got one somewhere. I think that one came from Greenwoods Outfitters (remember them)?

Each time I watch this Bowie classic, I see myself. There's a lad in the audience with a stripy tank top, looks just how I remember myself back then, even the dark lank hair. He's watching to try and be in shot on the camera all the time, obviously thinks he looks real cool.......

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Pleased to see red corduroy trousers not on your list 👍
Does that mean you are pro red cords or anti red cords? 🤔 Not corduroy but moleskin trousers I'm wearing now, as I post!!!:okay:


Accy cyclist

Legendary Member

I didn't know Dunn & Co once had shops! 🤔 I suppose they'll have closed a long while ago, like Greenwood's. I used to look in the Greenwood's shop window in my younger days and think "Mmmm, I hope I don't end up wearing those type of clothes"! Now, If they were still open I'd open an account there!!:becool: :laugh: :okay:


Dunn & Co Ltd London vintage Bowler hat

Dunn & Co. was a chain of men's clothing stores in the UK that specialized in hats and formal wear. The company was founded by George Arthur Dunn, who began selling hats in Birmingham in 1887. The company eventually went into administration and was wound up in 1996.
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