if you had to leave the UK now permanently, where would and could you go?

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We spent a day there when we had a week's holiday in Malta. The hotel we were staying at in Malta was just a few hundred yards from the ferry terminal for Gozo.

We thought it was prettier than Malta, but didn't seem to have all that much of interest.

Sometimes nice getting away from it though. I think that's why I enjoy the Scottish Islands so much. :thumbsup:


South Wales
Sometimes nice getting away from it though. I think that's why I enjoy the Scottish Islands so much. :thumbsup:

Agreed, but not sure I'd want to live there permanently.


I’d move to the French Alps, Annecy

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Legendary Member
Gozo. They just love the British, they speak English plus several other languages fluently, it’s a lovely climate, they keep the towns and countryside clean and tidy, the rubbish is collected daily, beer wine spirits are cheap.
You get money back on recycling your cans and bottles.

Been to Gozo many times scuba diving. Agree it's genuinely nice, with the virtues you mention, but a bit too hot for me and rathe cut off from anywhere else apart from Malta proper by ferry


Legendary Member
I’d move to the French Alps, Annecy

Annecy, the old town at any rate is utterly lovely, and location wise it's fantastic too. Yup, that would do me very nicely indeed

To widen it a bit, I think half way down France in any one of the historic medium sized towns would be my ideal location. I am a bit of a Francophile, have basic schoolboy French, which I could work on if I lived there, and outside Paris at any rate, the French seem to have a great lifestyle and I've always found them delightful.

One of my abiding pleasures was going on caving or walking holidays in France. I'd tend to catch the midnight ferry or chunnel on the Friday after work, and drive as far as I could in the early hours till I was south of Paris, then stealth camp in a lay-by. The real holiday started at the next village and I had my first coffee and croissant.


With regards to Gozo, on two occasions we tried to get there and both times the boat had to turn back because of rough seas which the captain said would make it impossible to dock.

There is also a third island, Comino, home of the Blue Lagoon, which used to have an hotel on it, not sure if it still does.


With regards to Gozo, on two occasions we tried to get there and both times the boat had to turn back because of rough seas which the captain said would make it impossible to dock.

There is also a third island, Comino, home of the Blue Lagoon, which used to have an hotel on it, not sure if it still does.

Not unusual for islanders. My first jib back from Christmas break years back was a week in Tiree and we got stormed on for an extra 4 days as the ferry couldn't dock despite some heroic efforts. It turned out to be the best 4 days of my holiday but I couldn't help feel sorry for the brickies who would spend 8 hours a day on that boat only to be turned back. Who am I trying to kid, I loved that bit as well. :laugh:


Legendary Member
Been to Gozo many times scuba diving. Agree it's genuinely nice, with the virtues you mention, but a bit too hot for me and rathe cut off from anywhere else apart from Malta proper by ferry
I spent 2 weeks diving around Malta.
Visited Gozo twice but only to dive and visit some caves.....all good.
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