Here for rides.
I'll spend my evenings uploading the footage to the police and feeling much happier as a'd spend your evenings reviewing footage and getting grumpier.
and I'm going to bore them with the actual near misses and the actual hits, and the left hooks, the red light jumping cars, the mobile using drivers, people turning right without indicating because they have a mug of coffee in their indicator hand (yes really), people throwing things at cyclists from their cars, turning left from the right hand lane, overtaking while I'm turning right, overtaking while I'm turning left, using their horns inappropriately, attmepted squeeze passing at pedestrian refuges, speeding in 30 zones (handy radar operated road sign proves it) et cetera, et cetera. (and that is just July 2013 so far)......and your going to bore us with all the so called near misses
Are we bored yet? I could go on.