Aliens come to our planet and ask the first intelligent beings they find what they can do for them.
The dolphins reply “Can you do something about those ruddy humans?”
Maybe they already know it.I'd give them my wifi password so they could see what we really are and let them get on with wiping out humans.
We base everything on what we 'know to be feasible' over the last two centuries we have done things in a technology sense that were utterly incomprehensible four centuries ago. Who's to say they've not been and gone, been watching for millennia or would we even be aware if they were here.
Gobleki Teki makes no sense whatsoever in a human historical sense. It goes against everything we think we know. So many other relics make no sense in ancient history especially. It is nigh on impossible to put yourself in their shoes and we can never underestimate human ingenuity of course. Da Vinci for example, the intellect to invent an aeroplane but never figured out that if only he had designed it as a fixed wing human flight would have occurred hundreds of years before the Wright brothers. What stops that essentially small leap of imagination after the genius of conceiving the concept?
…..but they might speak in Klingon and you wouldn't understand!![]()
Don't fret @welsh dragon Google Translate is your friendYou are such a party pooper you know.. you have to go and spoil things.![]()
Don't fret @welsh dragon Google Translate is your friend![]()
Yn hollolIf it can translate Welsh then I'm sure it can cope with Alien![]()
Sensible!I tend towards the C S Lewis hypothesis:
The exterrestrials are out there. They know where we are, they know who we are and they know what we are. However, since they know who we are and since they know what we are, they refuse to make contact.