Oh come now,
@cookiemonster a large part of the world seems predicated on, people trying to impress / intimidate each other, with a variety of d*ck swinging activities .
You'd think folks would have wised up, and got over being impressed by all that baloney, some aeon's ago, but unfortunately, for some reason, it's appeal seems to endure.
How about a Minister for the Recognition of the Interconnectedness of all things ??
From my experience Gov Dept all seem to be vying to make out, that what their section does is the very most importantest thing, by far.
If they could be persuaded to waste less energy in doing this kind of silo thinking , and do more cooperation and collaboration to achieve best outcomes, we would have a much better world for everyone.
So A Minister for Joined up Thinking (and discouragement of d*ck swinging ) Perhaps?
Have you taken a post yet
@cookiemonster ?? Id be hoping for good snacks in cabinet, with a moniker such as yours