It did actually work once for President Trump (all hail!), although it may have been by accident.
Andrew Brunson is a US citizen who'd gone to Turkey as a sort of missionary. Unfortunately, he chose to try and convert the Kurds. Alas, in Turkey the Kurds are viewed as the bar steward offspring of Satan and Prince Andrew, and Brunson was duly arrested for being a terrorist. There was little doubt that this was a trumped up charge, and that in reality he was little more than a slightly wacky god botherer.
The dispute escalated and President Trump became involved. He asked President Erdogan ever so nicely to release Brunson, but Erdogan wouldn't.
Trump then made a threat, that if Turkey did not release Brunson then the US would retaliate, but the details were vague. Erdogan called Trumps bluff, and withing a week the US had wiped over 40% from the value of the Turkish economy.
Erdogan squirmed and tried to hold out, but under such massive pressure he had to do something, so he turned to Putin for help. Putin quickly held is hands up and said "not my problem", leaving Erdogan flapping in the breeze with no hope of salvation, so he relented and released Brunson. Trump kept the sanctions of for a few more weeks just to tweak Erdogan's nipples a bit, then lifted them.
God only knows what threats Trump made to kim Jong Un to get Otto Warmbier released so quickly after Obama had failed to act at all to secure his release.
If only the the UK government would be so firm about securing the release of Nazanin Ratcliffe from Iran.
So, strong arm tactics work. The UK isn't in the position to threaten other countries economies as a political measure, but if I were Foreign Secretary I'd fly to meetings I. a Vulcan bomber and threaten to nuke anyone that doesn't do as they're told!