How many tablets do you take a day?

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Legendary Member
Not to sure?
A year or so ago when I had a DVT followed in quick succession by the hospital also finding a PVT, it was (strongly) advised that I should go onto Warfarin with immediate effect and remain on them for life.

I was 64 at the time, and I'll be honest I was gutted that I was now having to take a daily medication for the rest of my life. After all, I would have considered myself to be in good health, certainly not over weight, I engage in plenty of daily exercise (probably to much of the truth be told) and my diet is reasonably decent, but could probably be improved.

Fast forward a year, I've now been advised to take Statins and also Finasteride, both these are also for life as well. :cry:

So that's now four tablets a day, (2 x Warfarin) everyday for the rest of my life. Of course I accept that its in my best interest (and my families) to take them all. But goodness me, how dam depressing is when its tablets that are probably going to keep you alive!!!

The joys and delights of getting old I suppose?


No idea what a PVT is. I can take a stab at DVT. I take one vitamin D tablet a day.


Three i asked to be taken off,but they said no keep taking them.A statin and two prostate pills,but the prostate operation was years ago and is ok.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Currently .... 2x Flecainide Acetate and 1x Bisoprolol (atrial fibrillation).
1x Dutasteride, 1x Tamsulosin (prostate related issues).
2 sachets Laxido (ongoing for last 3 years).
4 x self catheterisation daily.

Now they are considering statins for the high(ish) cholesterol.

Age 62.. And I don't consider myself unhealthy! But maybe I am wrong....


Legendary Member
Four. Omeprazole, and three viagara.

All uphill

Still rolling along
1/2 a tamsulosin and a statin a day.

I had unpleasant side effects from a whole tamsulosin, so now I open the capsule, pour away half the contents, put the top back on and swallow.

I get the benefit with reduced side effects.

It drives my urologist mad - "you can't do that!" :laugh:
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Legendary Member
At 45, I need a mild steroid nasal spray to keep my sinusitis under control. I don't need anything else but do take a multivitamin. No idea if it does any good in reality.
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